Privacy Policy

Your privacy is imprtant to us. This privacy policy is intended to give you confidence in the privacy and security of the personal information we obtain from you whether you are using this application. However, please note that we are not responsible for any use of your personal information you provide to third-party applications or websites that may be accessed via the Products or Websites. We recommend that you review the privacy policy of any third-party applications or websites that you use.

Use of Packet Data
This application is not using packet data. Except, users want to help us to improve this application by submitting bug report or suggestion to developer’s web or blog.

Personal Information
Since there is no use of packet data, we are insure there is no any personal information that we will collect from users.

Policy Changes
The privacy policy might be changed and will be updated here.

Contact Us
If you have any questions, please kindly contact us at our blog,

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